Be inspired with all your photos

Create unique and stylish home decor and gifts with all your prints.

DIY with square prints - Easily create a personalised photo gift in minutes with KODAK MOMENTS.

Modern Photo Hanger

Learn how to make (in English)

Easily create Mini Print Clips in minutes with KODAK MOMENTS.

Mini Print Clips

Learn how to make (in English)

Create a DIY Modern Poster Hanger with KODAK MOMENTS and get a personalised gift in minutes

DIY Modern Poster Hanger

Learn how to make (in English)

Create a unique Photo Album easily in minutes with KODAK MOMENTS.

Photo Album

Learn how to make (in English)

Create the perfect Photo Corner Gallery with KODAK MOMENTS.


Photo Corner Gallery

Display your best memories as a gallery wall.

What you will need:
1. Prints in different sizes
2. A piece of weighted string
3. Sticky tape

How to make it:
1. Print photos in different sizes and orientations with Kodak Moments
2. Create a layout
3. Hang a guideline or use the corner of a wall to do so
4. Put your photos up from top down
5. Keep prints straight using the guideline

All done!

Watch how easy it is to make.


Modern Photo Hanger

Use your favorite shots to refresh your home with a simple and modern display.

What you'll need:
1. 1" inch Round Dowel Rods
2. Butcher’s Twine
3. Mini Clothespins
4. A Drill + Basic Tools

How to Make It:
1. Print your square format pictures on the Kodak Moments kiosk
2. Drill 4 evenly-spaced holes along 2 dowel rods
3. Tie a loop of twine through each hole and create a knot to secure each end
4. Attach your photos to the twine using the clothespin

Get more inspiration (in English)

Craft a Modern Photo Hanger with KODAK MOMENTS.
Create a Photo Album with KODAK MOMENTS.


Photo Album

Tell your story with photos and other tokens you’ve collected over the years so you can create a one-of-a-kind memory book to share and look back on.

What you'll need:
1. Prints
2. A notebook, sketchbook or scrapbook with empty pages
3. Washi tape, handwritten notes or recipes, drawings and any other memorabilia

How to Make It:
1. Print your favorite moments from your camera roll
2. Collect the old prints you’ve been saving
3. Put it all together in your book and customize it with accessories and memorabilia to make it uniquely yours

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Mini Print Clips

This modern prints display makes it easy for you to swap in favorite new moments for a fresh look.

What you'll need:
1. 1” wood cubes
2. Metal alligator clips with long tails
3. Drill with ⅛ drill bit 
4. Super glue

How to Make It:
1. Print your photos
2. Drill a hole on one side of each block 
3. Add a drop of super glue to the hole and insert an alligator clip 
4. Let dry, clip in a photo and done!

Tip: trim your alligator clip tail to different lengths to give each piece a distinct look

Get more inspiration (in English)

Craft Mini Print Clips with KODAK MOMENTS in minutes.